This does not mean you need to be an artist or dancer to experience this way of knowing; just a willingness to truly embody your human experience and give it a voice if it causes suffering, and thereby change the experience.
The focus questions are- "When you think of this experience where in your body do you feel it?", "Where do you stop breathing?" "Is there any reason you wish to keep this experience painful?' "What does it cost you to do so?". "How could your life be if you surrendered this story?" "What does your heart really want?' "What would bring you the greatest amount of pleasure?".
I find that if an issue loops and no matter what you do it still resurfaces, then the body memory is not cleared of all associated experiences and you are still being triggered. This being human usually means work to do on the self if one wishes to experience the notions of liberation, authenticity, pleasure, joy, happiness.
Being the investigator of your own experience and giving voice to what exactly is going on in your body, mind and spirit can lead to life altering decisions.
Velvet, CONGRATULATIONS on your new website. I look forward to working with you to make your online presence a HUGE success.