
Ecsta-She offers dance and movement and we specialise in sex counselling for couples.

What is Ecsta-She?

Based in Cairns, QLD, Australia, Ecsta-She is the love child of Velvet Eloise Eldred. Ecsta-She offers movement medicine and counselling. For women who want to dance with other women, Ecsta-She offers a sacred and healing space to restore the ecstatic feminine and create the modern goddess. For women and men who seek sex counselling, Velvet is an expressive therapist that helps lead couples to the divine sex that they seek.

Dance and counselling

Sex counselling for couples or singles is by appointment. Please make contact with Velvet Eldred via the contact page. Ecsta-She Dance is held every Wednesday night, 8 - 10 pm at the Body Mind and Breath Yoga Studio, 55 Spence St, Cairns.

Dance Class

Ecstashe - emergence of succulence

"In woman is the form of all things
Of all that lives and moves in the world.
There is no jewel rarer than a woman"
"Kali The feminine Force ' Saktisangama Tantra
Ecstasis- Greek "to move beyond Oneself"

Ecstatic dance is an ancient movement practice that has been revered as a way to meditate, evoke visionary experience and connect with spirit. It helps to restore the vital of energy of the body and recover lost parts of the soul in the process. By moving our bodies we are able to connect to the physical body-mind-heart and move the soul.....our dance is a reminder of the medicine we hold in our hearts, minds and bodies.......we connect to this power and the medicine moves and is moved by us.

Feelings are neither positive nor negative- they are simply forces in our own stories with their own vibration and function. This is where you practice to let it all go and surrender to your inner knowing, your rhythm and self, warts and all.

It is "rhythm who teaches us to find our own rhythm, as well as teaching respect for the rhythms of all others." In searching for Truth- we find that every life form has its own sacred space and rhythm." (Jamie Sands The 13 Original Clan Mothers.)

To enter sacred space is to say you are willing to dance to your own rhythm and claim all that you are.

Dance with us: every Wednesday Night 8pm to 10pm

Where: Body Mind and Breath Yoga Studio, 55 Spence St, Cairns
(down the alleyway)

Who: Women only - all ages and sizes. The dance is FANTASTIC for weight loss and toning.

Cost: $15/$12 conc.

Bookings and further information: phone Velvet- 0438218839